
About Me

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Registered Dietician & Women's Health Coach

Healthsutra about nisha

 I  am so very excited and happy to have you here choosing to share your valuable time and energy with me, which also means you are as deeply  interested in health and wellness as I am.

I am a registered dietician, trained in clinical nutrition and wellness, holistic wellness and yoga.  Before starting my practice, I have worked in three hospitals in Mumbai. After helping thousands of patients in hospitals, I have realised that we can’t just label food as calories, carbohydrates, fat and protein. We are not laboratories where we can measure calories and quantify carbs, proteins and fat. Its beyond and more powerful.” Food is actually a way of communication with your body. It affects each cell of your body, your genes, hormones, gut and not to say even your mind and emotions. We associate our emotions with food and that’s how much our lifestyle affects our food pattern and hence our health.” I believe if we give the right support  and care to our body through food and good lifestyle practice.

OUR BODY has incredible power to heal itself.

  Do you resonate with me?


What Do I Exactly Help With?

I am interested in women’s holistic wellness. A women takes care of everyone but forgets herself and this is where I want to support.

I Help Women  :

  1. Heal Chronic Symptoms- gut, period health, hormone issues and overall wellness
  2. End yo-yo diets, cravings and understand your body well
  3. Feel amazing in your mind and body
  4. Help you enjoy easy flexible routine
  5. Help you have a healthy relationship with food and eat without guilt.

I help women gain their health power back and become more self responsible for their health. I am extremely passionate about gut, hormone health, mindful eating and also approach fat loss through root cause approach instead of obsessive diet approach.  I often see women terrified about  food and have this insane fear around food.  I wish to transform this complicated relationship to a  healthy relationship with your food. Through my programs and resources I use food and nourishment as the catalyst to align and connect you with your wellbeing by changing those small daily habits that nourish you and your life. I ensure to create a lifestyle that is easy flexible and  as per your likes and dislikes. This approach makes it sustainable through ebb and flow of life.

Just like 5 elements of life- earth, water, fire,air, space, I work on 5 pillars of health-Real food, Habit, Emotions, movement and environment. A combination of both traditional and modern science. I am in awe of how food and your body can literally heal you. Nature at its best!!

My Principles & Philosophy

I believe in Staying Healthy is a Mindset

This is because if your mindset changes, you are more willing to overcome the obstacles, fear and take charge of your health.



I believe what you eat and what you digest is what you are. Each food nourishes each one of us differently as we are all genetically different and that makes us special. You command your body whether to store fat or make proteins through the food you consume. Say for example when you drink a fruit juice it will have different commands on your hormones than when just having a fruit or nuts. While you are with me I will be training you to understand this concept and make you health independent.


Often we let ourselves be carried away by our emotions. Based on our mood we let ourselves decide the food we want to consume. For example many times when I am caught up with stress or even if my day does not go as planned I end up seeking comfort in fried food like chips/potato wafers. But over the years after training my mind in controlling my emotions and reactions I have finally taken that power from my mind . No longer I allow myself to be fed by emotions and if I do it’s only happy feelings NO GUILT CHARGED. This is where I will help you not to judge yourself, free your emotions and never guilt charge yourself.


Health is not present in powders or even a few days’ meal plan /fad diets ; it is those daily practices in your usual routine that can get you closer to good health. Those small issues that become obstacles is what we will tackle here. Create solutions and simplify your lifestyle layer by layer that’s sustainable with highs and lows of life. So that you never have an excuse or anything to blame. My programs are based on food|habits|lifestyle|yoga|connecting with oneself.

Keeping your habits, exercise ,emotions, sleep , your taste buds and your culture/traditions in mind I create programs and resources that’s best for YOU.

When you choose to work with me:


  • You will not experience fad diets, rigid lifestyle, diets that is restrictive, or follow a plan blindly.
  • You will get rid of yo-yo diets and understand your body well
  • You will experience easy, simple, flexible routine, lifestyle and food habits you will enjoy eating.
  • You will eat without guilt and experience healthy relationship with your wellness
  •  You will feel empowered and feel confident about taking care of yourself without self-doubt.

Lets Connect

As a registered dietician, I enjoy breaking myths and  provide you with correct nutritional updates. I would love you to join my email community where I share bi-weekly nutritional tips, stories and recipes you can enjoy.



Connect with me on Social Media

PCOS Community: 

I am extremely grateful and happy to have you join our community and very much excited to be part of your health journey!! Its indeed a pleasure and my life’s purpose.

My Professional Bio & Work Ex

Masters in Clinical Nutrition and  Dietetics, 2013

Registered Dietician

Certified Diabetes Educator

I have worked as a Registered Clinical Nutritionist at Bombay Hospital, Tata memorial hospital and PD Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai. I have also worked with T2T Hormone clinic which mainly works with Type 1 diabetes patients and Childhood obesity and paediatric disorders.

Fun facts about me:

  • I enjoy dancing and I am receiving training for Bharatnatyam dance.
  • I enjoy baking , travelling, trekking
  • Trying new recipes and restaurants
  • Food, dance is my passion
  • I feel happiest when surrounded by calmness and between nature.
  • Mountains make me happy 
  • People who know me they know me as a calm and composed person
  • December Baby
  • I love winters
  • Love reading spiritual, self development books
  • Yoga is a way of life.